On Nov. 18 (London Time), Clarivate Analytics published its Global Highly Cited Researchers 2020 List, which involved 6,167 highly cited scientific researchers of various disciplines from more than 60 countries. The number of researchers from China inland recognized as Highly Cited keeps soaring and 770 were named this year, accounting for 12.1% of the total.
In the list of 2020, 18 scholars from 10 universities and scientific research institutes of China were named as HCRs of Physics Discipline. Dean Yanming Ma was listed as one of the HCRs of Physics Discipline for the fourth year in a row (2017-2020).
Global HCR List identifies influential researchers of various disciplines as determined by their peers-those who have consistently won recognition in the form of high citation counts over a decade. TheWeb of Scienceserves as the basis for the regular listings of researchers whose citation records of their papers position them in the top 1% by citations for their field and year. The authors of these papers will be chosen as the HCRs. Citation record of paper is one of the key indices in assessing the research results of scientific researchers. Being listed as a HCR means the scholar is of world-wide influence in his/her field and the research results have made great contributions to the development of his/her field.
Source: Clarivate Analytics, cingta.com