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Title:Recent Progress in Holographic Correlators

Speaker:Zhou Xi’nan University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Time:Sep 20,2022 9:30-12:30

Venue:302,Physics Building

Online report( Zoom ID:869 6149 9629   Password:123456)

Abstract:Holographic correlators are the most basic objects to exploit and explore the AdS/CFT correspondence. They encode a wealth of theoretical data and allow one to analytically study theories in strongly coupled phases. Holographic correlators can also be viewed as scattering amplitudes in AdS space, and therefore provide a valuable opportunity to explore the curved space extensions of various remarkable properties of flat-space scattering amplitudes. However, holographic correlators are notoriously difficult to compute and only until recently efficient modern methods were invented. In this review talk, I will give an overview of the recent progress in studying holographic correlators. I will show how methods based on bootstrap ideas allow one to circumvent the unsurmountable difficulties of the traditional approach and to obtain general results in various string theory and M-theory backgrounds. In addition to reviewing these bootstrap results, I will also mention two promising new directions where explorations are just starting. The first is trying to establish an on-shell scattering amplitude program in AdS where there is now an accumulation of evidence for AdS avatars of flat-space features of amplitudes. The second is the emergence of a new connection with integrability where preliminary investigations suggest certain holographic correlators enjoy a Yangian symmetry.

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