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Title:Nucleon D-term in holographic QCD

Speaker:Fujita Mitsutoshi,Sun Yat-sen University

Time: Oct. 26,2022 15:00pm

Venue:302,Physics Building

Online report(Zoom ID:896 3571 4791 Password: 2022)

Abstract:The D-term is one of the conserved charges of hadrons defined as the forward limit of the gravitational form factor D(t). We calculate the nucleon's D-term in a holographic QCD model in which the nucleon is described as a soliton in five dimensions. We show that the form factor D(t) is saturated by the exchanges of infinitely many 0++ and 2++ glueballs dual to transverse-traceless metric fluctuations on the Wick rotated AdS7 black hole geometry. We refer to this phenomenon as `glueball dominance', in perfect analogy to the vector meson dominance of the electromagnetic form factors. However, the value at vanishing momentum transfer D(t=0) can be interpreted as due to the exchange of pairs of pions and infinitely many vector and axial-vector mesons without any reference to glueballs. We find that the D-term is slightly negative as a result of a cancellation between the isovector and isoscalar meson contributions.

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